dissertação de mestrado - Uma visão geral

dissertação de mestrado - Uma visão geral

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Este produção do Victor Frankl tais como autor e psiquiatra se concentra em explorar este impacto do significado na vida humana. Seu trabalho é baseado em uma filosofia que ele desenvolveu em vários campos por concentração em a Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Enorme parte DE universidades cobram um projeto do pesquisa dos estudantes previamente deles ingressarem em um mestrado ou doutorado. Este tema da tese deve ser bem escolhido e apresentado, como essa pesquisa será trabalhada pelo estudante nos próximos anos.

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O grifo na palavra escolhidos é de modo a Ainda mais uma dica: este mestrando em Argumento utilizando orientador podem escolher os professores que irão participar desse momento, logo, faça uso dessa opçãeste e convide para a banca professores de que tenham maior afinidade usando a área de pesquisa e de que realmente permitam contribuir utilizando a melhoria do produção.

This doctorate thesis intends to contribute to a critical record of a fraction of the political time (2012-2019) of the presence of the 2030 Agenda and of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the political and technical agendas of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), spanning from Rio +20 (2012), the year in which the process of definition of the Agenda was officially kicked off, to the sessions of the High-Level Political Forum of Sustainable Development (HLPF), the official conductor of the process, in 2019, when the first assessment cycle of all SDGs by the HLPF was wrapped up, which is why it was chosen as the final deadline for the periodization. In this context, its main focus is health. Using the content analysis methodology, it examines the main documents resulting from the ensemble of events and manifestations related to the theme that took place in that period, regionally and globally, bringing together country governments, multilateral organizations, civil society organizations, the academia and the private sector, highlighting the main common elements and the divergent aspects throughout the process, as well as between the positions of the political actors involved. The work is logically articulated into five macro processes that contain common and divergent elements that influence each other: 1) The 2030 Agenda and its SDGs on a global scale; 2) Health in the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs on a global scale; 3) The 2030 Agenda and its SDGs in LAC; 4) Health in the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs in LAC; and 5) The 2030 Agenda and health in Brazil, in this case in a less intense approach. The analysis presents the political, economic and social situation in LAC, in which the 2030 Agenda process unfolds with its SDGs, as well as the situation of health and health systems in the region, where the click here SDGs 3 and the goals of the remaining SDGs related to health are implemented.

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